About us


The aims of System Fitness CIC are to support adults over 50 in South Birmingham / North Worcestershire to improve their physical fitness.

System Fitness is a Community Interest Company which means that it is non profit making and therefore that money generated is able to fund its activities. As a Community Interest Company we are required to produce an annual report along with other statutory requirements of Limited Companies.

The Company aims are to provide and promote affordable fitness training / advice to Adults
over 50 years in South Birmingham and North Worcestershire, which supports evidence
based functional fitness. The CIC was established in 2021 and had previously operated as a standard limited company as System Fitness Solutions Ltd (est 2015).

See Government Website for statutory returns and information: CLICK HERE

The Company currently has 3 Directors at present.

Staff engaged through the company are engaged at a standard rate per hour.

Peter Hughes: Lead Trainer and Director - CLICK HERE

About the CIC - Community Interest Company


The CIC was established in 2020 by Peter Hughes

Company No 9705400

Community Interest Companies are non -profit making, so all ‘profits’ go back into the company to fund our activites.

The objects of the Company are to carry on activities which benefit the community and in particular (without limitation) to:

    • To provide and promote affordable fitness training to adults over 50 years in South Birmingham and North Worcestershire, which supports evidence based functional fitness.

    • To provide an evidence based programme of falls prevention exercise training for adults over 50 who are deemed to be at risk from falls.

    • To promote the positive benefits of physical activity which improve functional ability in adults over 50.

    • To use the non profit making arrangement of the company to widen access to fitness training to adults over 50 through variable charges both voluntary and designated and other support to enable attendance.